Surprise! Wood Stove Fan Kept Me Warm All Winter

Surprise! Wood stove fan kept me warm all winter. It’s a marvel of engineering that, in my opinion, has all the benefits to recommend it being in every home. That said, if you’ve never considered the perks of a wood burning stove and a fan to go along with it, you might be wondering, “how can a wood stove fan keep you warm?”

wood stove fan
wood stove fan

According to the ecology innovators at, a wood stove fan distributes the heat rising from warmth created by the burning of wood in the stove. This recovery of naturally-floating heat helps to create low-cost warmth in a room with little danger of discomfort from noise or a high energy bill.

In the following guide, you’ll find all the benefits of using a wood stove fan to heat your house. I’ll also give you a look at some answers to your most pressing questions, like whether or not you can use the fan with all stove models, and how to install one for yourself. It’s a lot to cover, but with such useful information, we’ll breeze through it in no time!

What Are the Benefits of Using a Wood Stove Fan?

wood stove fan
wood stove fan


Using a wood stove fan might seem unorthodox. In fact, it might never have occurred to you; however, now that you’re aware it is possible, you should also learn exactly how many wonders a wood stove fan can work for you! With that said, I’ve prepared a list of the benefits of using a wood stove fan below.

The Wood Stove Fan is Free

This is maybe the most appealing part of owning and operating a wood stove fan: it does not cost you anything to make it run! Of course, you’ll need to purchase and install the fan if you do not already have it, but after that, burning wood will be your only expense. You’ll be able to avoid the economical burden of heating your room through the air conditioning system, too.

The Wood Stove Fan Actually Warms the Room

Speaking of heating a room, that, of course, is the next-big draw of the wood stove fan; it warms up the room just as effectively, if not more, than any other type of heating source.

The wood stove might seem nice as a way to create a warm spot in the house, but actually, because heat rises, it isn’t very effective for warming up the whole space evenly.

This is where the wood stove fan comes in. You’re able to use the fan to catch the heat that is floating up out of the stove and control where it goes; primarily, it will be pushed horizontally throughout the space.

This means you’ll actually be able to feel the warmth, and after a length of enough time, it won’t matter where in the room you settle; a nice, cozy heat will be there thanks to the power of the fan’s blades.

The Wood Stove Fan Doesn’t Use Power

The other fantastic thing about the wood stove fan is that it is a more eco-friendly way to get the results you’re looking for. This is because it actually does not use any power. Ordinary fans may plug into a wall socket, or even drain batteries in order to run. Instead, it runs on the very heat it uses to warm your chosen space.

The Wood Stove Fan is Quiet

You won’t need to worry about pesky noise pollution ruining your happy home. Most wood stove fans are constructed with widely-set internal blades. This structure is different from common fan blades. It moves more air powerfully to reach every corner of the room, but that air is cycled through wider spaces, which creates less of a droning, rushing sound.

Not only will you be able to stay warm and cozy, but if you have friends or family over, you won’t feel the need to shout over the sound of your heating fan.

Can a Wood Stove Fan Be Used With Any Type of Stove?

Oven with fan
Oven with fan

A wood stove fan’s name is a little misleading; the truth of the matter is, though it was made for a wood stove, it can work with other stove models. That being said, you’ll have to remember how the fan works to make use of it with non-wood burning stoves.

For example, the fan needs to be on a surface that is hot and flat in order to operate safely. This rules out any kind of gas stove with raised, uneven surfaces (though flat grills over gas stoves may be applicable.)

You’ll also need that surface to get as hot as 150 degrees Fahrenheit. When it does, the stove will warm the fan blades and set them spinning, providing the coziness you’re looking for regardless of whether or not the fan is sitting on an exclusively wood-burning stove or not.

How do You Install a Wood Stove Fan?

Installing a wood stove fan is relatively simple. You’ll simply remove the wood stove fan from it’s box and place it on top of the wood stove. Remember, you’ll want it to be on a flat, even surface; the top of the wood stove is where heat rises initially as the wood burns, and it will activate the spinning blades of the fan.

Most manufacturers of wood stove fans recommend that the appliance be placed to the back of the wood stove. If your particular stove has a flue extending from the top, place it at the rear of the stovetop surface and to one side of the pipe.

Ultimately, you’ll want to adhere to the manufacturer’s rules, either in instructions included in the box or on the packaging itself. That said, there is not much to know about installing the fan because, as previously mentioned, there are no pesky cords or batteries to worry about.

Are There Any Safety Precautions to Consider When Using a Wood Stove Fan?

There are some safety precautions to consider when dealing with any appliance: a wood stove fan’s risks are especially important to know because they deal with heat and potential fire hazards.


 couple of things to keep in mind when using a wood stove fan.

  • Keep Out of Children’s Reach – A child should not be allowed anywhere near the wood stove, and should particularly be kept away from the fans resting on top. Not only is the surface of the stove hot, but there is always a chance that the blades of the fan, which will also be hot, can cause injury.
  • Keep at the Back of the Stove – As previously mentioned, for the best results, you will want to keep the wood stove fan at the back of the stove. However, it is also safest to keep the spinning blades at the back of the fan where they can’t fall and disturb the front of the stove.
  • Keep Smoke Detectors Active – It is essential to make sure your smoke detectors are regularly tested and clear. Though it’s great for circulating warm air, a wood stove fan can also fan the flames if any of your wood-burning stove’s fire gets out of control. A smoke detector will be your first line of defense for such a fast-moving hazard.


In Conclusion

To finish up, a wood stove fan can help keep you warm all winter, too! You’ll be saving on power and the expenses of a heating system. Besides, the wood stove fan can move all that warm air around the room on your level instead of letting it drift to the top of the room, where it does nobody any good.

With careful installation at the back of a stove, wood stove fans are an excellent way to fight off the cold.


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Hi there! My name is Zitang, and I’m a retired chef who has a passion for all things related to the kitchen. That’s why I founded my website, Kitchen Joker, to share my love of cooking with others.

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